




digraph "AddPlayerPacket" {
rankdir = LR
0 -> 1
1 -> 2
0 -> 3
3 -> 4
0 -> 5
5 -> 6
0 -> 7
7 -> 8
0 -> 9
9 -> 10
0 -> 11
11 -> 12
0 -> 13
13 -> 14
0 -> 15
15 -> 16
0 -> 17
17 -> 45
0 -> 46
46 -> 47
0 -> 48
48 -> 49
49 -> 50
50 -> 56
48 -> 57
57 -> 58
58 -> 59
0 -> 60
60 -> 78
0 -> 79
79 -> 104
0 -> 105
105 -> 106
106 -> 107
105 -> 108
108 -> 109
109 -> 121
0 -> 122
122 -> 123
0 -> 124
124 -> 125

0 [label="AddPlayerPacket",comment="name: \"AddPlayerPacket\", typeName: \"\", id: 0, branchId: 12, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
1 [label="UUID",comment="name: \"UUID\", typeName: \"mce::UUID\", id: 1, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
2 [label="mce::UUID",comment="name: \"mce::UUID\", typeName: \"\", id: 2, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
3 [label="Player Name",comment="name: \"Player Name\", typeName: \"\", id: 3, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
4 [label="string",comment="name: \"string\", typeName: \"\", id: 4, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
5 [label="Target Runtime ID",comment="name: \"Target Runtime ID\", typeName: \"ActorRuntimeID\", id: 5, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
6 [label="ActorRuntimeID",comment="name: \"ActorRuntimeID\", typeName: \"\", id: 6, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
7 [label="Platform Chat Id",comment="name: \"Platform Chat Id\", typeName: \"\", id: 7, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
8 [label="string",comment="name: \"string\", typeName: \"\", id: 8, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
9 [label="Position",comment="name: \"Position\", typeName: \"Vec3\", id: 9, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
10 [label="Vec3",comment="name: \"Vec3\", typeName: \"\", id: 10, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
11 [label="Velocity",comment="name: \"Velocity\", typeName: \"Vec3\", id: 11, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
12 [label="Vec3",comment="name: \"Vec3\", typeName: \"\", id: 12, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
13 [label="Rotation",comment="name: \"Rotation\", typeName: \"Vec2\", id: 13, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
14 [label="Vec2",comment="name: \"Vec2\", typeName: \"\", id: 14, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
15 [label="Y-Head Rotation",comment="name: \"Y-Head Rotation\", typeName: \"\", id: 15, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
16 [label="float",comment="name: \"float\", typeName: \"\", id: 16, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
17 [label="Carried Item",comment="name: \"Carried Item\", typeName: \"NetworkItemStackDescriptor\", id: 17, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
45 [label="NetworkItemStackDescriptor",comment="name: \"NetworkItemStackDescriptor\", typeName: \"\", id: 45, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
46 [label="Player Game Type",comment="name: \"Player Game Type\", typeName: \"\", id: 46, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
47 [label="varint",comment="name: \"varint\", typeName: \"\", id: 47, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
48 [label="Dependency on 'SynchedActorDataEntityWrapper exist?'",shape=note,comment="name: \"Dependency on 'SynchedActorDataEntityWrapper exist?'\", typeName: \"\", id: 48, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 2, notes: \"\""];
49 [label="if (0)",shape=diamond,comment="name: \"if (0)\", typeName: \"\", id: 49, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 4, notes: \"\""];
50 [label="Unpack",comment="name: \"Unpack\", typeName: \"std::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class DataItem,struct std::default_delete<class DataItem> >,class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class DataItem,struct std::default_delete<class DataItem> > > >\", id: 50, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DataItem>>\""];
56 [label="std::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class DataItem,struct std::default_delete<class DataItem> >,class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class DataItem,struct std::default_delete<class DataItem> > > >",comment="name: \"std::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class DataItem,struct std::default_delete<class DataItem> >,class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class DataItem,struct std::default_delete<class DataItem> > > >\", typeName: \"\", id: 56, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
57 [label="if (1)",shape=diamond,comment="name: \"if (1)\", typeName: \"\", id: 57, branchId: 1, recurseId: -1, attributes: 4, notes: \"\""];
58 [label="Entity Data PackAll",comment="name: \"Entity Data PackAll\", typeName: \"std::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class DataItem,struct std::default_delete<class DataItem> >,class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class DataItem,struct std::default_delete<class DataItem> > > >\", id: 58, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DataItem>>\""];
59 [label="std::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class DataItem,struct std::default_delete<class DataItem> >,class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class DataItem,struct std::default_delete<class DataItem> > > >",comment="name: \"std::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class DataItem,struct std::default_delete<class DataItem> >,class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class DataItem,struct std::default_delete<class DataItem> > > >\", typeName: \"\", id: 59, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
60 [label="Synched Properties",comment="name: \"Synched Properties\", typeName: \"PropertySyncData\", id: 60, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
78 [label="PropertySyncData",comment="name: \"PropertySyncData\", typeName: \"\", id: 78, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
79 [label="AbilitiesData",comment="name: \"AbilitiesData\", typeName: \"SerializedAbilitiesData\", id: 79, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
104 [label="SerializedAbilitiesData",comment="name: \"SerializedAbilitiesData\", typeName: \"\", id: 104, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
105 [label="Actor Links",comment="name: \"Actor Links\", typeName: \"\", id: 105, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 8, notes: \"\""];
106 [label="Array Size",comment="name: \"Array Size\", typeName: \"\", id: 106, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
107 [label="unsigned varint",comment="name: \"unsigned varint\", typeName: \"\", id: 107, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
108 [label="example element",style=dotted,comment="name: \"example element\", typeName: \"\", id: 108, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 16, notes: \"\""];
109 [label="Link",comment="name: \"Link\", typeName: \"ActorLink\", id: 109, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
121 [label="ActorLink",comment="name: \"ActorLink\", typeName: \"\", id: 121, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
122 [label="Device Id",comment="name: \"Device Id\", typeName: \"\", id: 122, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"A unique device id obtained from the connection request.\""];
123 [label="string",comment="name: \"string\", typeName: \"\", id: 123, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
124 [label="Build Platform",comment="name: \"Build Platform\", typeName: \"\", id: 124, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
125 [label="int",comment="name: \"int\", typeName: \"\", id: 125, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
{ rank = max;2;4;6;8;10;12;14;16;45;47;56;59;78;104;107;121;123;125}



Player Name:string
Target Runtime ID:ActorRuntimeID
Platform Chat Id:string
Y-Head Rotation:float
Carried Item:NetworkItemStackDescriptor
Player Game Type:varint
Undefined -1 protocol.enum.undefined
Survival 0 protocol.enum.survival
Creative 1 protocol.enum.creative
Adventure 2 protocol.enum.adventure
Default 5 protocol.enum.default
Spectator 6 protocol.enum.spectator
WorldDefault Survival protocol.enum.worlddefault

依赖于SynchedActorDataEntityWrapper exist?

if (0)
if (1)
Entity Data PackAll:std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DataItem>>
Synched Properties:PropertySyncData
Actor Links
数组大小:unsigned varint
Device Id:string
特殊类型。protocol.packet.addplayerpacket.device_id.descriptionA unique device 'id' obtained from the connection request.
Build Platform:int
Google 1 protocol.enum.google
iOS 2 protocol.enum.ios
OSX 3 protocol.enum.osx
Amazon 4 protocol.enum.amazon
GearVR 5 protocol.enum.gearvr
UWP 7 protocol.enum.uwp
Win32 8 protocol.enum.win32
Dedicated 9 protocol.enum.dedicated
tvOS_Deprecated 10 protocol.enum.tvos_deprecated
Sony 11 protocol.enum.sony
Nx 12 protocol.enum.nx
Xbox 13 protocol.enum.xbox
WindowsPhone_Deprecated 14 protocol.enum.windowsphone_deprecated
Linux 15 protocol.enum.linux
Unknown -1 protocol.enum.unknown