




digraph "ChangeDimensionPacket" {
rankdir = LR
0 -> 1
1 -> 2
0 -> 3
3 -> 4
0 -> 5
5 -> 6
0 -> 7
7 -> 8

0 [label="ChangeDimensionPacket",comment="name: \"ChangeDimensionPacket\", typeName: \"\", id: 0, branchId: 61, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
1 [label="Dimension ID",comment="name: \"Dimension ID\", typeName: \"\", id: 1, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"Currently supported: (0 -> Overworld, 1 -> Nether, 2 -> The End, 3 -> Undefined)\""];
2 [label="varint",comment="name: \"varint\", typeName: \"\", id: 2, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
3 [label="Position",comment="name: \"Position\", typeName: \"Vec3\", id: 3, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
4 [label="Vec3",comment="name: \"Vec3\", typeName: \"\", id: 4, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
5 [label="Respawn",comment="name: \"Respawn\", typeName: \"\", id: 5, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
6 [label="bool",comment="name: \"bool\", typeName: \"\", id: 6, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
7 [label="Loading Screen Id",comment="name: \"Loading Screen Id\", typeName: \"std::optional<unsigned int>\", id: 7, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"Leave empty if there is no loading screen expected on the client. This id needs to be unique and not conflict with any other active loading screens. This is implemented with an unsigned integer incrementing forever, and that is expected to not have collisions when it wraps around back to 0 if that could be a possibility.\""];
8 [label="std::optional<unsigned int>",comment="name: \"std::optional<unsigned int>\", typeName: \"\", id: 8, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
{ rank = max;2;4;6;8}



Dimension IDvarint
基本类型。protocol.packet.changedimensionpacket.dimension_id.descriptionCurrently supported: (0 -> Overworld, 1 -> Nether, 2 -> The End, 3 -> Undefined)
Loading Screen Id:std::optional<unsigned int>
特殊类型。protocol.packet.changedimensionpacket.loading_screen_id.descriptionLeave empty if there is no loading screen expected on the client. This 'id' needs to be unique and not conflict with any other active loading screens. This is implemented with an unsigned integer incrementing forever, and that is expected to not have collisions when it wraps around back to 0 if that could be a possibility.