




digraph "PackedItemUseLegacyInventoryTransaction" {
rankdir = LR
28 -> 29
29 -> 33
28 -> 34
34 -> 35
35 -> 36
34 -> 37
37 -> 38
38 -> 39
39 -> 40
38 -> 41
41 -> 42
42 -> 43
41 -> 44
44 -> 45
45 -> 46
44 -> 47
47 -> 48
48 -> 49
28 -> 50
50 -> 51
51 -> 52
50 -> 53
53 -> 54
54 -> 55
28 -> 56
56 -> 57
28 -> 58
58 -> 59
28 -> 60
60 -> 61
28 -> 62
62 -> 63
28 -> 64
64 -> 65
28 -> 66
66 -> 67
28 -> 68
68 -> 69
28 -> 70
70 -> 71
28 -> 72
72 -> 73
28 -> 74
74 -> 75

28 [label="PackedItemUseLegacyInventoryTransaction",comment="name: \"PackedItemUseLegacyInventoryTransaction\", typeName: \"\", id: 28, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
29 [label="ID",comment="name: \"ID\", typeName: \"TypedClientNetId<struct ItemStackLegacyRequestIdTag,int,0>\", id: 29, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
33 [label="TypedClientNetId<struct ItemStackLegacyRequestIdTag,int,0>",comment="name: \"TypedClientNetId<struct ItemStackLegacyRequestIdTag,int,0>\", typeName: \"\", id: 33, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
34 [label="Dependency on 'valid ID'",shape=note,comment="name: \"Dependency on 'valid ID'\", typeName: \"\", id: 34, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 2, notes: \"\""];
35 [label="if (0)",shape=diamond,comment="name: \"if (0)\", typeName: \"\", id: 35, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 4, notes: \"\""];
36 [label="[No Data]",comment="name: \"[No Data]\", typeName: \"\", id: 36, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
37 [label="if (1)",shape=diamond,comment="name: \"if (1)\", typeName: \"\", id: 37, branchId: 1, recurseId: -1, attributes: 4, notes: \"\""];
38 [label="Container Slots",comment="name: \"Container Slots\", typeName: \"\", id: 38, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 8, notes: \"\""];
39 [label="Array Size",comment="name: \"Array Size\", typeName: \"\", id: 39, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
40 [label="unsigned varint",comment="name: \"unsigned varint\", typeName: \"\", id: 40, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
41 [label="example element",style=dotted,comment="name: \"example element\", typeName: \"\", id: 41, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 16, notes: \"\""];
42 [label="Container Enum Name",comment="name: \"Container Enum Name\", typeName: \"\", id: 42, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
43 [label="byte",comment="name: \"byte\", typeName: \"\", id: 43, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
44 [label="Slots",comment="name: \"Slots\", typeName: \"\", id: 44, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 8, notes: \"\""];
45 [label="Array Size",comment="name: \"Array Size\", typeName: \"\", id: 45, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
46 [label="unsigned varint",comment="name: \"unsigned varint\", typeName: \"\", id: 46, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
47 [label="example element",style=dotted,comment="name: \"example element\", typeName: \"\", id: 47, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 16, notes: \"\""];
48 [label="Slot",comment="name: \"Slot\", typeName: \"\", id: 48, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
49 [label="byte",comment="name: \"byte\", typeName: \"\", id: 49, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
50 [label="Actions",comment="name: \"Actions\", typeName: \"\", id: 50, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 8, notes: \"\""];
51 [label="Array Size",comment="name: \"Array Size\", typeName: \"\", id: 51, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
52 [label="unsigned varint",comment="name: \"unsigned varint\", typeName: \"\", id: 52, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
53 [label="example element",style=dotted,comment="name: \"example element\", typeName: \"\", id: 53, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 16, notes: \"\""];
54 [label="Action",comment="name: \"Action\", typeName: \"InventoryAction\", id: 54, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
55 [label="InventoryAction",comment="name: \"InventoryAction\", typeName: \"\", id: 55, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
56 [label="Action Type",comment="name: \"Action Type\", typeName: \"\", id: 56, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
57 [label="unsigned varint",comment="name: \"unsigned varint\", typeName: \"\", id: 57, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
58 [label="Trigger Type",comment="name: \"Trigger Type\", typeName: \"\", id: 58, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"PlayerInput if it's a direct result from a player's initial button input,		SimulationTick if the player is holding down the input button started from a previous tick.\""];
59 [label="unsigned varint",comment="name: \"unsigned varint\", typeName: \"\", id: 59, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
60 [label="Position",comment="name: \"Position\", typeName: \"NetworkBlockPosition\", id: 60, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
61 [label="NetworkBlockPosition",comment="name: \"NetworkBlockPosition\", typeName: \"\", id: 61, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
62 [label="Face",comment="name: \"Face\", typeName: \"\", id: 62, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
63 [label="varint",comment="name: \"varint\", typeName: \"\", id: 63, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
64 [label="Slot",comment="name: \"Slot\", typeName: \"\", id: 64, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
65 [label="varint",comment="name: \"varint\", typeName: \"\", id: 65, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
66 [label="Item",comment="name: \"Item\", typeName: \"NetworkItemStackDescriptor\", id: 66, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
67 [label="NetworkItemStackDescriptor",comment="name: \"NetworkItemStackDescriptor\", typeName: \"\", id: 67, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
68 [label="From Position",comment="name: \"From Position\", typeName: \"Vec3\", id: 68, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"Where the player thinks they are when sending this\""];
69 [label="Vec3",comment="name: \"Vec3\", typeName: \"\", id: 69, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
70 [label="Click Position",comment="name: \"Click Position\", typeName: \"Vec3\", id: 70, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 256, notes: \"\""];
71 [label="Vec3",comment="name: \"Vec3\", typeName: \"\", id: 71, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
72 [label="Target Block Id",comment="name: \"Target Block Id\", typeName: \"\", id: 72, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
73 [label="unsigned varint",comment="name: \"unsigned varint\", typeName: \"\", id: 73, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
74 [label="Client Interact Prediction",comment="name: \"Client Interact Prediction\", typeName: \"\", id: 74, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 0, notes: \"\""];
75 [label="byte",comment="name: \"byte\", typeName: \"\", id: 75, branchId: 0, recurseId: -1, attributes: 512, notes: \"\""];
{ rank = max;33;36;40;43;46;49;52;55;57;59;61;63;65;67;69;71;73;75}



IDTypedClientNetId<struct ItemStackLegacyRequestIdTag,int,0>

依赖于valid ID

if (0):[No Data]
if (1)
Container Slots
数组大小:unsigned varint
Container Enum Name:byte
AnvilInputContainer 0 protocol.enum.anvilinputcontainer
AnvilMaterialContainer 1 protocol.enum.anvilmaterialcontainer
AnvilResultPreviewContainer 2 protocol.enum.anvilresultpreviewcontainer
SmithingTableInputContainer 3 protocol.enum.smithingtableinputcontainer
SmithingTableMaterialContainer 4 protocol.enum.smithingtablematerialcontainer
SmithingTableResultPreviewContainer 5 protocol.enum.smithingtableresultpreviewcontainer
ArmorContainer 6 protocol.enum.armorcontainer
LevelEntityContainer 7 protocol.enum.levelentitycontainer
BeaconPaymentContainer 8 protocol.enum.beaconpaymentcontainer
BrewingStandInputContainer 9 protocol.enum.brewingstandinputcontainer
BrewingStandResultContainer 10 protocol.enum.brewingstandresultcontainer
BrewingStandFuelContainer 11 protocol.enum.brewingstandfuelcontainer
CombinedHotbarAndInventoryContainer 12 protocol.enum.combinedhotbarandinventorycontainer
CraftingInputContainer 13 protocol.enum.craftinginputcontainer
CraftingOutputPreviewContainer 14 protocol.enum.craftingoutputpreviewcontainer
RecipeConstructionContainer 15 protocol.enum.recipeconstructioncontainer
RecipeNatureContainer 16 protocol.enum.recipenaturecontainer
RecipeItemsContainer 17 protocol.enum.recipeitemscontainer
RecipeSearchContainer 18 protocol.enum.recipesearchcontainer
RecipeSearchBarContainer 19 protocol.enum.recipesearchbarcontainer
RecipeEquipmentContainer 20 protocol.enum.recipeequipmentcontainer
RecipeBookContainer 21 protocol.enum.recipebookcontainer
EnchantingInputContainer 22 protocol.enum.enchantinginputcontainer
EnchantingMaterialContainer 23 protocol.enum.enchantingmaterialcontainer
FurnaceFuelContainer 24 protocol.enum.furnacefuelcontainer
FurnaceIngredientContainer 25 protocol.enum.furnaceingredientcontainer
FurnaceResultContainer 26 protocol.enum.furnaceresultcontainer
HorseEquipContainer 27 protocol.enum.horseequipcontainer
HotbarContainer 28 protocol.enum.hotbarcontainer
InventoryContainer 29 protocol.enum.inventorycontainer
ShulkerBoxContainer 30 protocol.enum.shulkerboxcontainer
TradeIngredient1Container 31 protocol.enum.tradeingredient1container
TradeIngredient2Container 32 protocol.enum.tradeingredient2container
TradeResultPreviewContainer 33 protocol.enum.traderesultpreviewcontainer
OffhandContainer 34 protocol.enum.offhandcontainer
CompoundCreatorInput 35 protocol.enum.compoundcreatorinput
CompoundCreatorOutputPreview 36 protocol.enum.compoundcreatoroutputpreview
ElementConstructorOutputPreview 37 protocol.enum.elementconstructoroutputpreview
MaterialReducerInput 38 protocol.enum.materialreducerinput
MaterialReducerOutput 39 protocol.enum.materialreduceroutput
LabTableInput 40 protocol.enum.labtableinput
LoomInputContainer 41 protocol.enum.loominputcontainer
LoomDyeContainer 42 protocol.enum.loomdyecontainer
LoomMaterialContainer 43 protocol.enum.loommaterialcontainer
LoomResultPreviewContainer 44 protocol.enum.loomresultpreviewcontainer
BlastFurnaceIngredientContainer 45 protocol.enum.blastfurnaceingredientcontainer
SmokerIngredientContainer 46 protocol.enum.smokeringredientcontainer
Trade2Ingredient1Container 47 protocol.enum.trade2ingredient1container
Trade2Ingredient2Container 48 protocol.enum.trade2ingredient2container
Trade2ResultPreviewContainer 49 protocol.enum.trade2resultpreviewcontainer
GrindstoneInputContainer 50 protocol.enum.grindstoneinputcontainer
GrindstoneAdditionalContainer 51 protocol.enum.grindstoneadditionalcontainer
GrindstoneResultPreviewContainer 52 protocol.enum.grindstoneresultpreviewcontainer
StonecutterInputContainer 53 protocol.enum.stonecutterinputcontainer
StonecutterResultPreviewContainer 54 protocol.enum.stonecutterresultpreviewcontainer
CartographyInputContainer 55 protocol.enum.cartographyinputcontainer
CartographyAdditionalContainer 56 protocol.enum.cartographyadditionalcontainer
CartographyResultPreviewContainer 57 protocol.enum.cartographyresultpreviewcontainer
BarrelContainer 58 protocol.enum.barrelcontainer
CursorContainer 59 protocol.enum.cursorcontainer
CreatedOutputContainer 60 protocol.enum.createdoutputcontainer
SmithingTableTemplateContainer 61 protocol.enum.smithingtabletemplatecontainer
CrafterLevelEntityContainer 62 protocol.enum.crafterlevelentitycontainer
DynamicContainer 63 protocol.enum.dynamiccontainer
数组大小:unsigned varint
数组大小:unsigned varint
Action Type:unsigned varint
Place 0 protocol.enum.place
Use 1 protocol.enum.use
Destroy 2 protocol.enum.destroy
Trigger Type:unsigned varint
基本类型枚举。protocol.type.packeditemuselegacyinventorytransaction.trigger_type.descriptionPlayerInput if it's a direct result from a player's initial button input, SimulationTick if the player is holding down the input button started from a previous tick.枚举值如下:
Unknown 0 protocol.enum.unknown
PlayerInput 1 protocol.enum.playerinput
SimulationTick 2 protocol.enum.simulationtick
From Position:Vec3
特殊类型。protocol.type.packeditemuselegacyinventorytransaction.from_position.descriptionWhere the player thinks they are when sending this
Click Position:Vec3
Target Block Id:unsigned varint
Client Interact Prediction:byte
Failure 0 protocol.enum.failure
Success 1 protocol.enum.success